Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Either good or bad but it is a necessity...Fear of revenge being taken upon is what keeps many in check, prevents them from committing crime... still crimes do happen and mostly against those who r obvious to be incapable of taking revenge... isnt this instinct which keeps things balanced...
still it is not what most people resort to at first go... or is it? i think it is... people try to seek revenge through courts, through law... isnt that another way of getting things done... may be yes... may be not... depends totally on the motive of the person aproaching court... whatelse is law for, judicial system for if not a organised effort of society to take revenge on behalf of aggrieved and side by side delivering lesson to all to refrain from commiting crime... and in majority cases sense of justice gets replaced with feeling of revenge totally... our judicial system prevents unorderliness in seeking revenge... keeps process organised and animal instincts under control...
to deliver justice is the most important function of state... to protect the weak, to control the stronger and selfish... but what if state fails to deliver justice... then the weaks are helpless... no option but to shed tears only for the loss... but still very few has the courage to break... to break law, to break norms of society... to seek revenge... but not all do this... many still fear the consequences... fear of losing more if they seek revenge... may be they love more what is left rather than justice, truth... truth that to avenge is their duty... not only to the one they loved but to mankind... their attachment, their selfishness, their cowardice binds them... since whole of their life and life of others near to them is at stake if they go against norms...

to seek revenge is human and to forgive is divine... but at times forgiveness seems like tilting the balance to wrong side... and it itself looks like a big social crime... since it let many assume that this is the way they can get off easily... it spoils the system... it makes living difficult for rest... revenge is what helps to maintain peace...